BECians reap GUINNESS records at Microsoft Windows 8 AppFest

The students of Bapatla Engineering College have shown immense talent and brought glory to the college by participating in the MICROSOFT CODE MARATHON (Windows 8 AppFest 2012) - A GUINNESS WORLD RECORD event held on 21st and 22nd September at Bangalore. 40 students and one faculty member have participated and developed different innovative applications at this event. 16 Applications were AEL cleared and are selected for uploading in Microsoft Windows Store. They will be available for download worldwide.
Some of the innovative ideas developed by the students are Voice recognition - where a user can control a computer by voice commands, File Searching - used to find different files from the computer by specifying the size of the file, Visa Processing - gives complete information to the students about procuring visa to study abroad, Finance assist - used to calculate all type of taxes and transactions for businessmen and some real time games such as Quiz, Sudoko, Tic-Tac-Toe and Bubble Breaker.