In recent years, advanced computational techniques play a vital role in the advancement of novel technologies. Machine learning, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing speeds up the industrial growth. Due to their heterogeneous nature, IoT has developed greater research potential for the wireless network community. With its open, scalable and interoperable architectures, IoT has benefited the emerging intelligent systems like Natural Language Processing [NLP], Cognitive Systems, Expert Systems and so on, to initiate artificial humanized computing architectures. IoT with its number of intelligent sensor nodes becomes capable enough to sense and respond even to the complex and irregular issues that emerge in the intelligent systems. All these technologies significantly contribute in the advancement in building intelligent solutions in decision making in an effective and efficient manner.Despite the hype, this research domain needs some research attention on some unexplored areas like smart sensing, high-performance computing, network modeling, security, and privacy. This International Conference on Advanced Computing Techniques [ICACT-2021] organized by Bapatla Enineering College, Bapatla, Andhra pradesh, India on 20-21, May 2021 aims to gather the state-of-the-art research contributions in the evolving fields of Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing, Natural Language Processing, IOT, and Security . The First International Conference on Advanced Computational Techniques (ICACT) focuses on promoting the recent advances and innovations in the disciplines of Computer Science and Information Technology. The Conference offers an opportunity to bring scientists of different disciplines together, to discuss new issues, to tackle complex problems and to find advanced solutions breeding new trends in Computational Science. This Conference will also provide a platform for research community and industry to share the recent developments a