Established in the year 1981 starting with an Engineering Physics subject as a part of Science and Humanities for ¼ B.Tech course with an intake of 120, the Department of Physics has grown into one of the important departments in Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla offering Engineering Physics subject for first year B.Tech.
The Department of Physics has 8 faculty members including 5 doctorates with over 1000 First year B,Tech students and supporting staff. The Physics Department has been recognized as a reputed centre for research by Achrya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, leading to M. Phil. and Ph.D degrees since 2004. The Department is well equipped with necessary facilities and resources for teaching, higher learning and research including Glass and ceramic preparation lab, Hall Effect and optical fibre and ultrasonic experiments. etc. So far one student obtained Ph.D, four students obtained M.Phil through the research centre of the department.
We are also committed to excellence in teaching and learning, we are a research-intensive department that believes in the importance of Learning, Teaching and Research (LTR), we have strong collaborations with other departments and institutes on campus and off campus for further strengthening of our programs.
The department of physics has own library with a good collection of books, journals and video lectures prepared by faculty through own DMS (Digital Media Systems) studio of our college.
To enhance the knowledge in Physics through curriculum for developing Analytical and Logical thinking among the students in various applicable fields of Science, Engineering and Technology
As a BEC, Bapatla physics student, you have many opportunities for employment. The department takes course completed students as Physics lecturers depending upon vacancies. Nearby corporate colleges and schools give priority to BEC, Bapatla physics students as laboratory instructor, Lecture demonstrators etc.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO-1: To provide knowledge, ability and understanding in Mathematics and also in interdisciplinary subjects to the students.
PEO-2: To acquire the skills necessary to apply mathematical problem-solving techniques including Algebra, Analysis, Modelling, Operation Research, Graph Theory, Number theory etc for using mathematical software applications to the solutions of real-world problems.
PEO-3: To enable the students to work as mathematical teaching professionals or to pursue their higher studies in multifarious fields of Science, Engineering and Technology.