Acclaimed as the one of the biggest Libraries with 22,000 sq. ft. area in the State, The Central Library of BEC has been playing a vital role as Information Centre catering to the Academic and learning needs of the faculty and Students alike since inception. The facility is serving the student fraternity ranging from under graduate to Masters and ultimately aiding the Research stratum of Bapatla Engineering College.

As a jewel in the crown of BEC, The Library aims at providing premium quality learning resources in the form of Books, Journals, E-Journals, Video Courses and CDs pertinent to Curricula of diverse Engineering and Technology and of general nature to the students and Teaching Staff. The Library also supports Departmental Libraries for acquisition and maintenance of Titles throughout the academic year.

As the veritable abode of Knowledge, the Central Library of BEC houses,

  • 29,281 Titles
  • 78,898 Volumes
  • 746 International e-Journals (IEEE, ASCE, ASME & Springer Nature).
  • 120 Print Journals & Magazines



We are pleased to inform you that our institute has registered with the National Digital Library Club (NDLI Club).

All the students are hereby instructed to be members of the institute’s NDLI Club and get benefits by participating in events.

Membership Procedure:

  1. Copy the passkey: e8922256-2477-4678-abc3-6b8136f8a5f8
  2. Click on the link:
  3. Paste the passkey and fill in your email id, name and password. While you are copying and pasting your “Passkey”, there should be no space.
  4. Complete “Self-Verification” by clicking on one verification link sent by email.
  5. After your verification via an email link you can log in to NDLI Club with the same email id and password used at the time of registration as a member via
  6. You need to log in to with the same login credentials and update your DOB & Gender, and synchronize your club member profile once with your NDLI Club profile by clicking the “Sync with NDLI Profile” button before participating in any event.


Click Here for NDLI Club Member Registration

Library Catalogue – OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue):

OPAC is an online database of complete details of Books available with the Library. Users may access the OPAC in our Library to search for Books by Author or by Title or by Subject etc… to locate the required Books.   

e-Journals & e-Books:

The following subscriptions can be used from any desktop or laptop with in the campus network and through Knimbus Mobile App.

  • IEEE,
  • ASCE,
  • ASME & Springer Nature

Knimbus App Link:  mLibrary–Your Mobile eLibrary – Apps on Google Play

Click Here for Online e-Resources

Click Here for Quick Guide(Online/Offline)

Note:- IP address based access is provided for all e journals in our college campus. Hence, all the following e-Journals are directly accessible in our College Campus network systems  and no user name & password is required. In case of any difficulty in accessing these e resources, please contact the – Librarian / HOD Concerned.

Off Campus Access (Mobile App):

Off Campus access through Knimbus mobile app is provided to access all  e journals & e books subscribed by our Library. Users can access all e resources of the Library from anywhere and at any time through the mobile app. Contact the Librarian for installation of Knimbus mobile app.



All Society Periodicals on Computer Engineering + Computer Science + Electrical & Electronics Engineering + Telecommunications & related disciplines.

213 e-Journals (back files access from 2010) IEEE – ASPP eJournals Titles with URLs                 


American Society of Mechanical Engineers for Mechanical Engineering Journals

33 e-Journals  (back files access from 2000) ASME eJournals Titles with URLs         


American Society of Civil Engineers for Civil Engineering Journals

35  e-Journals(back files access from 2000)ASCE eJournals Titles with URLs                                               


  pringer Nature e-Journals & e-Books

Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Chemistry

465 e-Journals(back files access from 2000) Springer Nature eJournals Tit                 

DELNET Digital Library (e-Journals & e-Books)

User Name: apbec

Password : bec1528 

For e-journals & e-books visit: DELNET  (New Discovery Portal)

  • One of its kinds, BEC Central Library is fully automated with SOUL 2.0 Software; updated with latest version in 2010 and Bar-coding system facilitating easy access to students and well maintenance of library for they say “As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one.” 
  • The library offers special services to the Students of SC & ST categories by providing Book Banks enriched with 23,477 volumes related to 4,051 Titles.
  • A Book Bank specially earmarked with the funds of TEQIP is provided with 1896 volumes consisting 323 Titles also supplements the needs of SC & ST Students.
  • Through these Book Banks each SC or ST student can borrow 12 books and a BC student can borrow 2 books. 
  • The library added a feather to its cap by having a wing of Digital Library featuring online connectivity with DELNET, New Delhi and providing Internet facility to students with the infrastructure of 28 Computers with DVD and CD Writers. 
  • To take the learning experience of students to next level BEC Library has added NPTEL Video Courses to its armour of facilities.
  • The video library is furnished with 34” Colour T.V and DVD Player supported by a stack of 3,259 CDs.
  • The thrust area of video library is providing NPTEL video lecturers to learners and Teaching Community effectively.
  • Library is providing reprographic facility to students to disseminate material quickly and cost effectively aiding better learning on campus.
  • The photo copying is provided at 50 paise per copy with latest reprographic machine



Based on AICTE Model Curriculum, AICTE suggested Indian Authored books in the following link:

 AICTE Recommended List of Books by Indian Authors/Publishers

Details of Books available (Dept. wise):