Heat Transfer Lab

Heat transfer is the science dealing with the transfer of energy in the form of heat from one body to another as a result of temperature difference between them. The science of heat transfer provides an explanation for the different modes of heat transfer and also enables one to predict the rate at which energy transfer takes place under specified conditions. These fundamentals will be used to link the phenomenological Heat transfer processes taking place in different engineering equipment. The lab consists of equipment for the measurement of thermal conductivity, convective and radiation behavior of different types of materials and objects in various conditions. The study of heat exchangers is also a part of this laboratory where heat transfer rate of different types of flows can be measured. The laboratory is helpful to the students in understanding various typical concepts of heat transfer by doing experimentation successive to the theory class. The equipment available in this laboratory is listed are

  • Heat exchanger – parallel flow
  • Heat exchanger – counter flow
  • Composite slab / metal rod
  • Critical heat flux apparatus
  • Emissivity apparatus
  • Pin fin - natural convection
  • Pin fin - forced convection
  • Insulating powder apparatus
  • Forced convection apparatus
  • Drop-wise and film wise condensation apparatus
  • Stefan – Boltzmann’s apparatus
  • Lagged pipe apparatu

Fuels & Oils Lab

Fuel is a combustible substance, containing carbon as main constituent, which on proper burning gives large amount of heat, which can be used economically for domestic and industrial purposes. Wood, charcoal, kerosene, petrol, diesel, producer gas, oil gas etc. are some of the fuels. Lubricants are used to reduce the friction between two moving parts and act as a seal between piston and cylinder. Quality of fuel and lubricant is very essential for the smooth running of the engine and efficiency of the engine under various conditions. Viscosity, flash and fire points are some of the characteristics which are essential for a good lubricant. Evaluations of these parameters for various lubricants are estimated in this laboratory. Calorific value and carbon residue are the other two important parameters for the fuel.

The students perform experiments on 

  • Bomb Calorimeter
  • Junker’s Gas Calorimeter
  • Pensky Martin’s flash point apparatus
  • Cleveland’s flash and fire point “ “
  • Redwood viscometer No-I
  • Redwood viscometer No-II
  • Saybolt viscometer
  • Conradson’s carbon residue tester
  • I.C engine model

I-C Engines Lab

The objective of this laboratory is to provide the student a good environment to understand some very important concepts and applications in the field of IC engines. These fundamentals will be used to link the phenomenological processes taking place in the engine for issues of: power generation, emissions and environmental impact, fuel economy and fuel composition effects on engine operation and mechanical limitations of obtaining ideal performance. 

The laboratory also consists of the following equipment.

  • P.C. Based single cylinder 4-stroke Diesel engine test rig.
  • P.C. Based single cylinder 4-stroke Petrol engine test rig.
  • Four cylinder 4-stroke Diesel engine test rig
  • Four cylinder 4-stroke Petrol engine test rig
  • Variable compression ratio single cylinder 4-S Petrol engine test rig
  • Single cylinder 2-stroke Petrol engine test rig
  • Centrifugal Blower test rig (Variable speed)
  • Two stage air compressor test rig.
  • Air Conditioner trainer- Duct type
  • Single cylinder 4-stroke Petrol engine test ri


The Engineering workshop is aimed to provide the basic working knowledge of the production and properties of different materials used in the industry and to apprise the student of basics and applications of various types of tools, equipment and techniques used in manufacturing to facilitate shaping of these materials into useful components.

The Engineering workshop should impart a good theoretical background as well as give a sound practical on hand practice to a student in various trades such as Carpentry, Fitting, House wiring and Tin smithy to serve the society in improving the living standards. Though engineers are not going to become carpenters or blacksmiths or skilled workmen on shop floor, but their exposure to these vocational trades provides them a bird’s eye view of basic practical activities associated with all branches of engineering

Machine Lab

The Engineering workshop is aimed to provide the basic working knowledge of the production and properties of different materials used in the industry and to apprise the student of basics and applications of various types of tools, equipment and techniques used in manufacturing to facilitate shaping of these materials into useful components.

The Engineering workshop should impart a good theoretical background as well as give a sound practical on hand practice to a student in various trades such as Carpentry, Fitting, House wiring and Tin smithy to serve the society in improving the living standards. Though engineers are not going to become carpenters or blacksmiths or skilled workmen on shop floor, but their exposure to these vocational trades provides them a bird’s eye view of basic practical activities associated with all branches of engineering.

  • Tool & Cutter Grinder
  • High Speed Precision Lathe
  • Milling machines (2 no.) BFW make
  • Capston Lathe
  • Lathes (10 No.) HMT QUETCOS make
  • Planing Machine
  • Radial drilling machine
  • Gear hobbing machine
  • Slotting machine
  • Hack-saw machin


Manufacturers currently facing challenges in producing high quality products with reduced costs. As companies clinches global product development and production, the manufacturing enterprise requires expanded virtual engineering teams with fully integrated product development processes.

To gain a competitive edge, manufacturers must look beyond commodity technologies, isolated tasks, individual efficiency, and point solutions to address the broader issues of product lifecycle productivity. CAD/CAM and its tools empower companies to design, simulate, and manufacture products in an integrated environment.

The Computer Aided Design (CAD) Centre has leading edge CAD/CAM and CAE software and hardware facilities which include 56 computer systems and high-end CAD softwares such as ANSYS Mech+CFD (Academic), PTC CREO University plus lab bundle, Inventor series 5.3, ANSYS Multi Physics Ver 10.0, Auto desk mechanical Solution Set 2006, Pro – E , Wild Fire 4.0,CATIA V 5R 15 and Star CCM++/design (software). A number of faculty and students have already made excellent use of these softwares for their computational and analytical projects and some are in progress.


Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is aimed to train the students on the sophisticated machines (apart from the conventional machines) to fulfill the current industrial needs. The students are doing experiments on CNC Bench Turning Centre, CNC PC MILL – EMCO, AUSTRIA make and simulations are performed using FONUC21T&M offline software.

The available facilities are given below:

  • C.N.C. Bench Turning Centre (Model:XLTURN )
  • C.N.C.PC MILL - EMCO. Austria
  • Master CAM softwar

Automation Lab

The automation lab has equipped with Pneumatic Trainer Kit, Electro Pneumatic Trainer Kit, PLC Trainer kit, Automation Studio, Noiseless compressor, Robot (SCORBOT ER 4U) INTELITEK. Israel make etc.

  • Pneumatic Trainer Kit
  • Electro Pneumatic Trainer Kit
  • PLC Trainer kit
  • Automation Studio
  • Noise less compressor
  • Robot (SCORBOT ER 4U) INTELITEK. Israe

Design & Metrology Lab

Lord Kelvin, the renowned scientist, had the following to say about metrology:

"When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind".

Measurements have been carried out by humans for as long as civilization has existed. From the primitive population who lived in caves to modern man, the need has always been there to measure and know. Of course, all these measurements were approximate. With the development of civilization the need for more acceptable measurement grew. This led to the evolution of the standards of measures. Interestingly enough, even though we can now measure with much greater precision, the measurements are still "approximate" and will always have an element of "uncertainty".

Students are able to learn the measurement principles by doing Metrology laboratory experiments. The realistic knowledge on Tool Makers Microscope, Profile Projector, Sine bar, Gear tooth Vernier, Surface finish tester, Bore dial gauge and different gauges. Dynamometers for Lathe and drilling machines provides wide exposure to the industrial applications.

The available facilities are indicated below:

  • Tool Makers Microscope
  • Profile Projector
  • Plug gauges
  • Gear tooth Vernier
  • Surface tester
  • Dynamometers for Lathe and drilling machine

Siemens Centre of Excellence

The College had MOU with Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. On14th September, 2011. The software available and their cost is listed below.

The main Moto of this lab is to make the student aware of new trends in manufacturing firms and train them the advanced CAD/CAM software so that they compete the job requirements in the market. The lab is equipped with a total of 34 systems of which 5 are most sophisticated Xenon Work station with high end capabilities and remaining 29 are i3 processor.

Inaugural fuction of Siemens Center of Excellence (COE)

Three of the first batch of students of mechanical-2012, who had undergone training of NX-7.5 software were placed in Jythra Engineering Services. And we are expecting more number of students this year to be placed in Jythra.

COURSE: NX-7.5 training programme


  • This course enables the students to model and analyse the complex engineering components related to all streams.
  • To simulate different mechanisms and check for relative motion of the components


  • At the end of the course student will be able to
  • Model a given component with all types of modelling techniques like wireframe, surface and solid modelling
  • Assemble the individual components and check for interference and to draw the exploded images of the assembly
  • Make Simulation of mechanisms for different functionality
  • Perform Structural analysis on individual and assembled components.
  • Make animated motion pictures for demonstration of mechanism