Patents Granted:

  1. V. S. Mahesh, P Chiranjeevi, Y Sivaji, S Akhil, V V Kondaiah, Ravikumar Dumpala, B. Ratna Sunil, Producing micro-lamellar zinc orthopedic implants, Application No: 202041034166, date of filing: 10-08-2020.
  2. B.I.Hussain, Ch. Srinivas, HarpreetKaur,“A system for inspecting a solar element using laser mechanism” is granted by the Canadian Intellectual property office with registration number 1187327 filed on 13 August 2021 and granted on 18 October 2021.
  3. Mohammad shameer, Ramesh k, Sakthi C, Vijay M, B.I.Hussain, Venkatesan G,Mathiazagan Venkatachalam, Vinayaka N, Naveen C,Vinayaka, JaganS,Joseph A, Padmanabhan G“An IOT based system for monitoring volume of fuel pumped into an automobile” with patent number 2021103853 filed on 3 July 2021 and granted on 30 March 2022.
  4. KommineniKiran Kumar, Dr. Meda Chandrasekhar, ChilukuriVenkataSubbaRaoDr. Chennupati Lakshmi Srinivas, Dr.Ratnababu Pilli,Smart Pen With Dual Refills”with design no.341604-001,issued on 28-2-2023.

Patents Published:

  1.  P. Srikar, T. Sathish, Y. Kalyan Reddy, P. Imran Khan, V. V. Kondaiah, RavikumarDumpala, L. RatnaRaju , B. Ratna Sunil, Developing zinc calcium silicate composites for degradable load bearing implants applications”. Application No: 202041035260, date of filing: 16-08-2020. (FER Submitted)
  2. PavanSatyanarayana, L. RatnaRaju, B. Ratna Sunil, “Developing high wettable pure titanium bone fixing plate by repetitive ball impacting”, Application No: 202041035262, date of filing: 16-08-2020.
  3. Ravuri Daniel, B. Ratna Sunil, P. Sundara Kumar, Bode Prasad, D. Kishore Babu, T. Satyanarayana Murthy, P. KiranPasam, “Teachable Oxygen Flow Control and Monitoring System”, Application No: 202141031030, Filing date: 10-07-2021.
  4. Ravuri Daniel, NeelapalaAnilkumar, Ratna Sunil, P. Sundara Kumar, ShaikNazeer, SrinivasuluVardhineni, PrashanthBabuBandi, PrudhviKiranPasam, “Gas-Watch: Intelligent Gas Pipeline Leakage and Supply Demand Estimator”, Application No: 202141039033, Filing date: 28-08-2021.
  5. Esther SunandaBandaru, Benjiman Franklin Chelli, Ravuri Daniel, B. Ratna Sunil, Safety Petri Nets based Railroad Crossing Safety Critical Control System”, Application No: 202141040136, Filing date: 04-09-2021.
  6. K. Sobha , S Radhika , D Pradeep , K. SaiVivek , K. Surendranadh , K KartheekaPavan , J V Satyanarayana , Sameer Kumar Devarakonda , Tata Nancharaiah , D Swapna invented “ Method For Microfabrication of One Dimensional Photonic Crystal Layered Point of Care Device For Detection of Bio Markers of Renal Dysfunction”. with publication No : 202141054651A in The Patent Office Journal No. 50/2021 dated 10/12/2021. pp:60039
  7. T. VivekSai, B. Ratna Sunil T. Nancharaiah,“Design of battery powered eco-friendly two wheeler”,Application No: 202141043317, Filing date: 24-09-2021.
  8. D. Kishore Babu, Y. Ramadevi, K. VenkataRamana, Ravuri Daniel, B. Ratna Sunil, T. Satyanarayana Murthy, Sk. Nazeer, M. Suneel, “Cloud based train accident prevention safety system”,Application No: 202241004928, Filing date: 29-01-2022.
  9. V. Venkateswarlu, M. Vikas, I. Srinivasula Reddy, K. Anil, T. Chiranjeevi, K. Ravi Kumar, B. Ratna Sunil, T. Chandra SekharRao, “Pile supported Multi-layered Porous Media”, Application No: 202241037005, Date of filing: 28-06-2022. (FER Submitted)
  10.  B. Iftekharhussain, S.Sateeskumar, S.Sudhakar, V.Mugesh Raja, AbhijitGanguly, P.Balasopawar, Novel kumarsahu, UmasankarL, S.Sundaraselvan, C.Ezhilarasan “Innovation system of flexible production line manufacturing method” by the Indian patent office with application no: 202241044831 A, filed on 5th August 2022 and published on 19th August 2022.
  11.  KarteekNavuri, Saranu Ravi Kumar, A. V. S. Ram Prasad, DevaraSrinu, “Multi Wrench Tool”,Design No: 385255-001, granted on: 28-04-2023
  12.  J. Chandrasekhar Rao, T. GayatriKonni, Y. Akhila, Raja SaiSindhu, T. Chandra SekharRao, B. Ratna Sunil, A Novel Dual-band Four-Element MIMO Antenna for 5G mmWave N257/N258 and N262 band Applications”,Application No: 202341026276, Filing date: 07-04-2023.
  13. J. Chandrasekhar Rao, T. GayatriKonni, Y. Akhila, Raja SaiSindhu, T. Chandra SekharRao, B. Ratna Sunil, A compact 4-Element U-shaped MIMO Antenna with Slotted Ground for 5G mmWave Wireless Communications”, Application No: 202341026280, Filing date: 07-04-2023.
  14. R. Daniel, B. Rajkumar, K. M. S. Rao, N. Jaya Lakshmi, K. manipriyanka, B. Ratna Sunil, N. Anil Kumar, “Indoor weather recommendation system using integrated artificial internet of things”, Application No. 20234103308, Filing date: 15-05-2023.
  15.  B. IftekharHussain ,S.Meinathan, A.A.Nivethita, N.Jothipriya,R.Girimurugan, “Battery pack for Electrical Vehicle” by the Indian patent office with design no: 410813-001, was granted on 18th March 2024.
  16. Dr. AnkushBalajiraoKhansole, Dr. V. Venkatesan .Dr. Venkateshkumar R .Dr. R. SilambarasanDr.MMaranDr. BeporamIftekhar Hussain, “Robot Exoskeleton Structure” by the Indian patent office with design no: 410593-001 was granted on 15th March 2024.