S. No Name of the Author(s) Title of the article Journal/name of the conference Organized by Date and year
        1   Pavan Venkat Paipuri The Influence of Si3N4 weight fractions on Mechanical, Microstructural and Tribological characteristics of Al5052 MMC reinforced with Al2O3 Particles 1st International Conference Advances in Bi polymers and composites: Health and Environment and energy Motilal Nehru NIT, Allahabad 20-22, OCT-2022
2 Paila Chinnam Naidu Study on Mechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Al 5052 hybrid Metal Matrix composite Reinforced with Al2O3 and Si3N4 particles International conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering IIT Indore 14-16, DEC-2022
3 Pavan Venkat Paipuri Evaluation of Mechanical, microstructural and tribological behavior of Al5052 Hybrid metal Matrix composites reinforced with Al2O3 and Si3N4 particles International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power IIT Indore 14-16, DEC-2022
4 Pavan Venkat Paipuri Effect of Al2O3 particles on Mechanical, Microstructural and Tribological characteristics of Al5052 Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Si3N4 International Conference on processing and characterization of Materials NIT, Rourkela 9-12, DEC-2022
5 A.Muralidhar, P. Venkata Sai, B. Charan Kumar, A. Siva Rama Krishna, Dr.M.  Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu Mechanical microstructural and tribological behavior of stir cast Al 8011/TiB2/SiC hybrid metal matrix composites   Materials Today Proceedings Elsevier 2022
6   D. Vijay Praveen, P. Umamaheswarrao, Avula Suresh, Shaik Musharaf, S. Praveen, Shaik P. Abdulla, T. Sahit Kumar Optimization of Laser Beam Machining Process Parameters of HSLA Steel Using MOORA Advanced Materials Research Trans tech publications 03-04-2023
7   P. Ravi Kumar, Tata Nancharaiah, Bhil Ajay, B. Rajesh, B. Durga Prasad Nayak, I. Jithendra Naga Sai Babu Thermoelastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Cylinder Advanced Materials Research Trans tech publications 03-04-2023
8   Tata Nancharaiah, V. Sudheer Kumar Reddy, T. Chakravarthi, G. Tarun Sai Chowdary, Y. Brahma Teja Experimental Study on the Effect of Process Parameters on the Build Time and Part Accuracy of Direct Metal Laser Sintering Components Advanced Materials Research Trans tech publications 03-04-2023
9   D. Vijay Praveen, P. Umamaheswarrao, Avula Suresh, Shaik Musharaf, S. Praveen, Shaik P. Abdulla, T. Sahit Kumar Optimization of Laser Beam Machining Process Parameters of HSLA Steel Using MOORA Advanced Materials Research Trans tech publications 03-04-2023
S. No Name of the Author(s) Title of the article Journal/name of the conference Organized by Date and year
    1   Srinivas, C. L., Praveen, D. V., Suresh, G., Gowtham, R., Siddu, R., Teja, B. R., & Remalli, T. B. Investigations on Wear and Friction Characteristics of AA-2024/MOS2/Al2O3 HMMCs ICMEET-2022   Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 22-23, April,2022
2 Srinivas, Ch Lakshmi, N. Bharat Kumar, N. Brahmaiah, P. Siva Kumar, P. Abhinash, WEDM Parametric Study on Machining Responses of AA-6082/MoS2/Al2O3 HMMCs ICMEET-2022 Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 22-23, April,2022
3 Raju, S., Srinivas, C. L., Gunji, S. R., Srinag, T., Shekhar, M. C., & Pandi, T. Estimation of Effect of Cold Forging Deformational Behavior on Al-2024 Alloy Reinforced With Fly-Ash Particulates ICMEET-2022   Bapatla Engineering College, bapatla 22-23, April,2022
4 Reddy, K., Johnson, D.M., Pritham, I., Lokesh, K., Nancharaiah Optimization of Time, Part Accuracy and Surface Roughness of TI-6AL-4V Processed through SLM ICMEET-2022   Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 22-23, April,2022
5 M.A. Babu, M. Yuvaraju, K.A. Babu, G.R. Krishna, D.S. Kumar, and V.V. Kondaiah Micro Structural and Hardness Study of Al 6065 and CaSiO3 Composite with Stir Casting Route ICMEET-2022   Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 22-23, April,2022
6 U.V.V.S. Sai, D.N.V.R.D. Kumar, V.N. Rao, B.S.D. Prasad, and P.R. Kumar Analysis of Functionally Graded Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure ICMEET-2022   Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla 22-23, April,2022
7 Muralidhar, P. Venkata Sai, B. Charan Kumar, A. Siva Rama Krishna, Ch. Roopchand, G.Ravindra, Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu Mechanical microstructural and tribological behavior of stir cast Al 8011/TiB2/SiC hybrid metal matrix composites 9th International Conference IIT, Ropar 09-11, Dec, 2021
8 P. Sri Sukesh, Y. Vasu, Dr M. Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu Mechanical, microstructural characterization and tribological response of Al 5050/B4C/SiC stir cast hybrid metal matrix composites International Conference on Future Technologies 2021 (ICOFT 2021) National Institute of Technology-Puducherry 16-18, Dec, 2021