S. No | Name of the Author(s) | Title of the article | Journal/name of the conference | Organized by | Date and year |
1 | Pavan Venkat Paipuri | The Influence of Si3N4 weight fractions on Mechanical, Microstructural and Tribological characteristics of Al5052 MMC reinforced with Al2O3 Particles | 1st International Conference Advances in Bi polymers and composites: Health and Environment and energy | Motilal Nehru NIT, Allahabad | 20-22, OCT-2022 |
2 | Paila Chinnam Naidu | Study on Mechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Al 5052 hybrid Metal Matrix composite Reinforced with Al2O3 and Si3N4 particles | International conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | IIT Indore | 14-16, DEC-2022 |
3 | Pavan Venkat Paipuri | Evaluation of Mechanical, microstructural and tribological behavior of Al5052 Hybrid metal Matrix composites reinforced with Al2O3 and Si3N4 particles | International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | IIT Indore | 14-16, DEC-2022 |
4 | Pavan Venkat Paipuri | Effect of Al2O3 particles on Mechanical, Microstructural and Tribological characteristics of Al5052 Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Si3N4 | International Conference on processing and characterization of Materials | NIT, Rourkela | 9-12, DEC-2022 |
5 | A.Muralidhar, P. Venkata Sai, B. Charan Kumar, A. Siva Rama Krishna, Dr.M. Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu | Mechanical microstructural and tribological behavior of stir cast Al 8011/TiB2/SiC hybrid metal matrix composites | Materials Today Proceedings | Elsevier | 2022 |
6 | D. Vijay Praveen, P. Umamaheswarrao, Avula Suresh, Shaik Musharaf, S. Praveen, Shaik P. Abdulla, T. Sahit Kumar | Optimization of Laser Beam Machining Process Parameters of HSLA Steel Using MOORA | Advanced Materials Research | Trans tech publications | 03-04-2023 |
7 | P. Ravi Kumar, Tata Nancharaiah, Bhil Ajay, B. Rajesh, B. Durga Prasad Nayak, I. Jithendra Naga Sai Babu | Thermoelastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Cylinder | Advanced Materials Research | Trans tech publications | 03-04-2023 |
8 | Tata Nancharaiah, V. Sudheer Kumar Reddy, T. Chakravarthi, G. Tarun Sai Chowdary, Y. Brahma Teja | Experimental Study on the Effect of Process Parameters on the Build Time and Part Accuracy of Direct Metal Laser Sintering Components | Advanced Materials Research | Trans tech publications | 03-04-2023 |
9 | D. Vijay Praveen, P. Umamaheswarrao, Avula Suresh, Shaik Musharaf, S. Praveen, Shaik P. Abdulla, T. Sahit Kumar | Optimization of Laser Beam Machining Process Parameters of HSLA Steel Using MOORA | Advanced Materials Research | Trans tech publications | 03-04-2023 |
S. No | Name of the Author(s) | Title of the article | Journal/name of the conference | Organized by | Date and year |
1 | Srinivas, C. L., Praveen, D. V., Suresh, G., Gowtham, R., Siddu, R., Teja, B. R., & Remalli, T. B. | Investigations on Wear and Friction Characteristics of AA-2024/MOS2/Al2O3 HMMCs | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
2 | Srinivas, Ch Lakshmi, N. Bharat Kumar, N. Brahmaiah, P. Siva Kumar, P. Abhinash, | WEDM Parametric Study on Machining Responses of AA-6082/MoS2/Al2O3 HMMCs | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
3 | Raju, S., Srinivas, C. L., Gunji, S. R., Srinag, T., Shekhar, M. C., & Pandi, T. | Estimation of Effect of Cold Forging Deformational Behavior on Al-2024 Alloy Reinforced With Fly-Ash Particulates | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
4 | Reddy, K., Johnson, D.M., Pritham, I., Lokesh, K., Nancharaiah | Optimization of Time, Part Accuracy and Surface Roughness of TI-6AL-4V Processed through SLM | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
5 | M.A. Babu, M. Yuvaraju, K.A. Babu, G.R. Krishna, D.S. Kumar, and V.V. Kondaiah | Micro Structural and Hardness Study of Al 6065 and CaSiO3 Composite with Stir Casting Route | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
6 | U.V.V.S. Sai, D.N.V.R.D. Kumar, V.N. Rao, B.S.D. Prasad, and P.R. Kumar | Analysis of Functionally Graded Cylinders Subjected to Internal Pressure | ICMEET-2022 | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | 22-23, April,2022 |
7 | Muralidhar, P. Venkata Sai, B. Charan Kumar, A. Siva Rama Krishna, Ch. Roopchand, G.Ravindra, Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu | Mechanical microstructural and tribological behavior of stir cast Al 8011/TiB2/SiC hybrid metal matrix composites | 9th International Conference | IIT, Ropar | 09-11, Dec, 2021 |
8 | P. Sri Sukesh, Y. Vasu, Dr M. Venkateswara Rao, Dr V. Damodara Naidu | Mechanical, microstructural characterization and tribological response of Al 5050/B4C/SiC stir cast hybrid metal matrix composites | International Conference on Future Technologies 2021 (ICOFT 2021) | National Institute of Technology-Puducherry | 16-18, Dec, 2021 |